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Zero Hour

What is Zero Hour?

Zero Hour is an organizational tool we use with students who receive 'D's and 'F's. Zero Hour runs from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. from Monday through Thursday each week. Students will receive one day of Zero Hour for every 'D' they receive on their report card or progress report. Students will receive two days of Zero Hour for every 'F' they receive. Students have the opportunity to either earn their way out or earn their way into Zero Hour every 4 1/2 weeks. It is not punitive in nature but rather an opportunity to finish work and to have staff help or check assignments.

Zero Hour Rules

  • Zero Hour begins at 3:25 p.m. sharp. (tardies will be recorded)
  • Students must bring school related work - Zero Hour students must work on failing courses.
  • You must come prepared to work the full time.
  • Cutting Zero Hour or detention can result in Saturday School.
  • You must always check into Zero Hour. (even on free days)
  • NO Talking!