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Parent Participation

Parent Participation Requirements

Welcome to No Excuses, a program designed for students who are having a problem adjusting to, going through and finishing their high school years. Our program is based on common sense and establishing good work ethics which leads to making good choices.

The first goal and the one that we feel is most important is attendance. We place a high priority on attendance in that a student, who cannot come to school on a regular basis or is consistently late, will not remain in the program. We have found that poor attendance is the number one reason for students to drop out of high school. Not only will they become a high school dropout, but will also be creating habits that will only put them in the unemployment lines. It has been our experience, that many companies call the school office not to get grades, but to obtain student attendance records. This is one reason that we place such a high priority on attendance. We cannot stress enough the importance of attendance; it is the foundation for graduation.

The Washington High School average attendance is around 94 percent. A large portion of the elective grades earned in our program are based on attendance, 60 percent to be exact. Anyone who cannot achieve a minimum attendance rate of 90 percent is at a severe risk of being dropped from the program. Problems such as poor grades, late papers, missed assignments, etc...are all correlated to poor attendance.

We reserve the right to "over rule" any note or excuse for a student from a parent/guardian. It is imperative that the parent/guardian cooperate with our guidelines for the success of the student. We also request that the parent/guardian attend any required meeting planned by our staff. The program does not work if the triangle between the student, parent/guardian and teacher is not complete. Again, if this responsibility by the parent/guardian cannot be fulfilled, we have learned that it would be better if your child was not in the program. Attendance and parental involvement are the cornerstones in our foundation for graduation.

Another area of importance is our Zero Hour. This hour of schoolwork takes precedence over jobs, catching the bus, having no ride or any other activities. If your child has been placed in Zero Hour this means that they are behind in work, have missing assignments, or have low or missing tests to make up. Being enrolled in Zero Hour means they have not assumed the responsibility of turning in homework on time or fully complete. Both have a drastic effect on the student's grades. Therefore, if they are unable to handle their responsibilities they will be placed in Zero Hour. Once all missing assignments are completed or grades are brought to 'C's or above the student will have earned their way out at a specified time. Zero Hour runs from 3:25 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. If you feel that your child cannot meet this requirement for whatever reason, it may be better that you examine other options for your child.

We will do everything within our power to see that your son or daughter graduates with a direction, however, we do not give grades as a reward for breathing. After graduation, we expect our students to not only find a job but to keep it. If one wishes to further their education, then we feel that the skills learned with us will enable them to do this and be successful. Our goal is for achievement, not excuses for not achieving.

We have found that in order to be successful, we must work closely with our parent/guardians as well as our students. The triangle between parent/guardians, student and staff must never be broken. It is imperative that parent/guardians attend parent meetings scheduled throughout the school year. Lack of participation by a parent/guardian sends a negative message to everyone else in the triangle. We consistently lose those students whose parents are not closely involved in the program.

Because we feel so strongly regarding this subject, we expect parent/guardians to attend three of the four required meetings. We will give no less than a one month notice. If you feel that you will be unable to comply with this requirement, it would be in your best interest to find assistance for your child in another program.